Browse our catalog to see pricing on our fuel, oil, and lubricant products that we provide.
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or if you would like to place an order.
Lubricant Products & Programs
Industrial Lubricants
- Metalworking fluids
- Rust preventatives
- Cutting oils
- Gear oils
- Way oils
- HyperCLEAN hydraulic oils
- Turbine oils
- Synthetic/mineral
Fleet Lubricants
- Engine oils
- Transmission fluids
- Grease
- Gear lubes
- Antifreezes
- Hydraulic Oils
- Tractor Hydraulic Fluid
- Synthetic/mineral
One Source… One Call… Simplicity!
Hirschman Oil Supply offers complete and diverse solutions for all petroleum requirements from high performance lubricants and fuel services, to technical support and specialized equipment needs.
Our Service Area
Hirschman Oil Supply
2727 W. Vassar Rd (M-15)
Reese, Michigan 48757
11 Complete Counties: Gladwin, Midland, Bay, Saginaw, Gratiot, Shiawassee, Genesee, Lapeer, Tuscola, Sanilac, and Huron.
If you are outside our main service area, please feel free to contact us to discuss your needs!
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